Tuesday 11 November 2014

Esthetic Movement

Esthetic Movement

During the second half of the nineteenth century, art, design and architecture had a series of developments in Britain, which gave form to the Esthetic movement. This movement was a modern Victorian design style which was similar to the Arts and Crafts movement. The practitioners of the Esthetic movement wanted to make every object a work of art. This movement was formed because they had had enough of the excess of the Gothic revival. Unlike the Arts and Crafts movement, estheticism had a different idea about art, they didn’t accept the idea of art being a social or moral principle. Architecture was decorated with plain materials, and decorative arts by the arts and craftsmanship of Japan and China. The Esthetic movement was initially showing contrast to the abundance of classical styles, having honesty, simplicity and plainness as its primary objectives. Decorative interpretation combined with Japanese and ethnic influences, led to the corruption of the original beliefs. Owen Jones and Christopher Dresser were the two who started this movement. They both believed that good design should be fit for purpose and appropriate to function. Having recently opened to the West, the high quality craftsmanship and use of geometric and abstract forms that defined Japanese design also had an enormous influence on the style. Whilst E. W. Godwin was using Japanese and Chinese forms to create his Anglo - Japanese furniture, others were adaption oriental shapes and forms on ceramics and Tiffany & Co, NY, were producing silver pieces with Japanese motifs.  This movement was all about moving away from the traditional rigidity of the early Victorianism and to have a freer view about art and design. 

Christopher Dresser 1834 - 1904

Dresser was a Scottish designer who worked independently and was one of the best designers of that time. He was a pioneer of design and had worked with over fifthy different manufacturers to spread the principles of good design. Dresser designed amazing works of art with an economic perception which were reasonable priced and widely available for consumers. His beliefs that form should be superior to decoration resulted in very fundamental designs, when compared to contemporary Victorian taste. 


Toast Rack                                                                Teapot

Edward William Godwin

Edward William Godwin was one of the greatest architects and designers of the nineteenth century. The beginning of his career started as an architect but later he turned to furniture design. He was one of the artist who had purchased Japanese objects after the Internal Exhibition which was held in 1862. Godwin became very interested in the Japanese culture and from that point in time he established the Anglo - Japanese movement. He worked along side Christopher Dresser and Thomas Jackyell by designing extremely modern furniture in 1867. Some of his most important works of art are; Dromore Castle, Grey Castle and The Fine Art Society Building in London.


Dromore Castle                                                       Coffee Table

Simple and Elegant Beds Japanese Furniture Oriental Japanese Furniture for Home Interiors

This contemporary sofa has a relation to Japanese design in my opinion. It has the tin louvers which remind me of the Japanese doors which are similar to the design of the sofa's structure. The round corners give the sofa a contemporary and organic look but it still has elements from the Esthetic movement.


Christopher Dresser | Oscar Graf. 2014. Christopher Dresser | Oscar Graf. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.oscar-graf.com/artist/christopher-dresser. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Edward William Godwin | Oscar Graf. 2014. Edward William Godwin | Oscar Graf. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.oscar-graf.com/artist/edward-william-godwin. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Lord Belmont In Northern Ireland: Dromore Castle. 2014. Lord Belmont In Northern Ireland: Dromore Castle. [ONLINE] Available at:http://lordbelmontinnorthernireland.blogspot.com/2013/08/dromore-castle.html. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://findcoffeetables.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/4076156296_f1a92dac98.jpg. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Introducing The Design Book | Design | Agenda | Phaidon. 2014.Introducing The Design Book | Design | Agenda | Phaidon. [ONLINE] Available at:http://de.phaidon.com/agenda/design/articles/2013/july/03/introducing-the-design-book/. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Dr Christopher Dresser - SMP Silver Salon Forums. 2014. Dr Christopher Dresser - SMP Silver Salon Forums. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.smpub.com/ubb/Forum26/HTML/002418.html. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Stylish Equipment and Spa Interiors - European Spa Magazine. 2015.Stylish Equipment and Spa Interiors - European Spa Magazine. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.europeanspamagazine.com/design-archive-july-2014.html. [Accessed 20 January 2015].

Stylish Equipment and Spa Interiors - European Spa Magazine. 2014.Stylish Equipment and Spa Interiors - European Spa Magazine. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.europeanspamagazine.com/design-archive-july-2014.html. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

Oriental Japanese Furniture for Home Interiors - Home Design Ideas. 2014.Oriental Japanese Furniture for Home Interiors - Home Design Ideas. [ONLINE] Available at: http://hepok.com/oriental-japanese-furniture-home-interiors/. [Accessed 11 November 2014].

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